Keep Education The Pride of Howard County

Send Money
Enclosed please find: $250 $100 $50 $25 other
Make checks payable to:
Friends of Frank Aquino
8278 Glenmar Road
Ellicott City, MD 21043
Address _______________________________________________________
E-mail ________________________________________________________

Please provide the above information. Maryland Law prohibits accepting anonymous political contributions.

I want to volunteer to help your campaign – please call or e-mail me with details
Host a coffee/fund raiser in your home (or elsewhere)____________________ Date?____________
Place an “Aquino for Board of Education” sign on your lawn or in your window
Help distribute materials in your neighborhood
Walk door to door in your neighborhood with Frank
Work a polling place on Election Day – November 2nd
Telephone friends and family to publicize Frank’s campaign
Allow us to use your name in advertisements as a supporter of Frank.

Please sign to confirm your permission. ____________________

I want to hear your concerns. What issues are most important to you? Please tell me so that I can better represent your interests when I am elected. Use the space below to make suggestions and list your concerns about the Howard County Public School System.

By Authority of Friends of Frank Aquino, Regina Bruzdzinski, Treasurer